Planned Giving

Establish Your Legacy for Generations to Come

Charitable Bargain Sale: FAQs

What if the property has a mortgage or other lien on it?Layer Closed

The mortgage or lien can and should be paid off prior to the bargain sale or with the sale proceeds received by the previous owner. This produces the best tax benefit to the donor/seller. If the charity assumes the lien or mortgage, then this is considered taxable income to the donor/seller.

Why not sell my property and make a gift from the proceeds of the sale instead?

When you enter into a bargain sale you receive an immediate infusion of cash from us. This may help bridge the gap between residence sale and purchase of a new residence, or other immediate needs for cash while a sale of your appreciated property is pending.

Can I choose the appraiser who determines market value of my property in the bargain sale?

Yes, in fact, we may also choose to conduct an appraisal for our due diligence purposes, but part of a bargain sale is asking you to choose a qualified appraiser to evaluate the market value of your property. A qualified appraiser not only helps both of us determine your fair market value, but is required by the IRS when you file for a deduction from the bargain sale transaction.



How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.