Planned Giving

Establish Your Legacy for Generations to Come

Designate and Donate—Life Insurance

Ask the insurance company for a Pay on Death (P.O.D.) form. Some insurance companies also call these beneficiary designation forms.

How It Works

  • Contact your insurance company to complete or update your beneficiary designations or P.O.D. form.
  • Designate demo (Tax ID #2222) to receive all or a percentage of your life insurance policy proceeds.
  • You may also transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to demo. We may elect to cash in the policy now or hold it.


  • Make a gift using an asset that you and your family no longer need.
  • Receive an income tax deduction for the donation of a paid-up life insurance policy and estate tax savings after your passing.

More Details on Gifts of Life Insurance

Life Insurance: Make the Most of It

Life Insurance is a general term that describes many types of contracts between an insurer and an individual. All life insurance policies share three key elements: an owner, an insured, and a beneficiary.

  1. The Owner—the person who purchases and controls the policy.
  2. The Insured—the person who is covered by the life insurance policy. That person may also own the policy.
  3. The Beneficiary—the person who will receive the value of the policy upon the passing of the insured. An individual, estate, trust, or charity may be the beneficiary.

Generally speaking, most people decide to buy life insurance when they have people who are dependent upon them — children, partners, or family members. They want to provide for their loved ones after they pass away and do this by designating beneficiaries. Life Insurance can also be an important estate-planning tool and used to mitigate inheritance and estate taxes. The varieties and variations of life insurance products are endless, and it's essential that you consult a trusted financial or legal advisor to understand exactly what you are buying when you purchase life insurance. Know whom you have designated as your beneficiaries and review beneficiary designations regularly.

To make the most of your life insurance contract, consider if you still really need it.

  • Are your children doing well in life?
  • Do you have other assets that will provide for partners and loved ones?
  • Have you been more financially successful than you anticipated?
  • Have your financial priorities changed and as a result you now wish to do more for demo?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, it's time to review your beneficiary designation forms.

Any portion of your life insurance policy assets that you leave to demo will be exempt from inheritance and estate taxes. You can leave all or a portion of your policy.

Please contact us or talk with your financial advisor for Gifts of Life Insurance.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.