Planned Giving

Establish Your Legacy for Generations to Come

Retained Life Estate: The Details

Is this gift right for you?

A retained life estate is for you if…

  • You want to use your residence to make a gift today to demo, but don't want to move out.
  • Your home is not subject to a mortgage or other obligations.
  • You are willing to deed your home, cabin, or farm to demo if you can continue to live there rent-free.
  • You can continue to maintain your home.
  • You do not need the funds that would be generated by selling the property.
  • You wish to reduce your estate taxes.

An attractive option for donating real estate is the retained life estate. This arrangement allows you to give your home to demo while retaining the right to live there for the rest of your life.

Ownership of your real estate will be transferred to demo at a future date, yet you are entitled to an immediate tax deduction and retain the rights and obligations of ownership for life. You will continue to be responsible for its taxes, structural maintenance, insurance, and upkeep.

You will receive a charitable deduction based on the fair market value of your home minus the present value of the life tenancy you have retained. Additionally, any capital improvements, such as a new roof, may give rise to additional deductions.

With a retained life estate, you are able to make a significant gift to demo without disturbing your income or your living arrangements.

Please contact us so that we can assist you through every step of the process.


How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How to became a volounteer in Zambia state ?

These are the families that Give Kids The World Village welcomes to a place where time slows down. At the Village.

How to donate on our site using your form ?

Each year 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For these children.

In which state do you work most in Africa ?

Since 1986, more than 156,000 children and families from around the world have had their wishes fulfilled.

How can I give my clothes and other products ?

Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

What and where are the headquarters of your company ?

The Village is home to 166 villas. During their stay, families can enjoy rides on an enchanted carousel.

How can you get to work in your business ?

Swim in wheelchair accessible pools, play a life-sized version of CANDY LAND, putt at a dinosaur-themed.